You could call what we do here ‘shamanic lightwork,’ for lack of more precise terminology, because we are integrating the ancient galactic ‘shaman’ or creator elements into working with light. This is really just integrating the space of I AM (the creator) and the universes of light (the creation). If we want to get beyond the illusions of creation (light), we need to work with space and from the space beyond creation.
As well, other main elements of shamanic gifts are the ability to access any dimensions, realities, realms or universes - and facilitating others to do so; helping people to free parts of themselves they’ve tucked into some dimension or other (with guided conscious visualizations, in the work I do with clients); taking care of lower-frequency entities; communicating with any unseen or seen aspects of creation; being able to see through the tricks and illusions that we encounter; having a strong and clear connection (Oneness) with the earth and all of nature; and often being able to channel elements of nature (in my case this shows up in the form of shamanic singing).
Oneness, the potency of creation, is the overriding aspect of this cosmic kind of shamanic lightwork.
Shamanic Lightwork Events and Deep Healing Sessions
Shamanic Lightwork Group Events
In these sessions, there is themed facilitation for the individuals who are present, as well as a shamanic lightwork visualization, where everyone participates in a spaces-and-lightwork exploration of the cosmos for the purpose of bringing everything back into Oneness.
These shamanic lightwork sessions have been described as “buzzy,” “blissful,” “magical,” "powerful" – definitely not something to be missed!!! See what participants have to say, below!
As well, there is group discussion after each session to share experiences, and get support and validation from others who are like-minded.
These sessions happen once per month. (usually $33 through this site)
**Shamanic lightwork sessions may resume in January**
Previous shamanic lightwork healing audios are available in the shop.
Check them out here!
Sign up below to get notifications of future events!
Most Recent Shamanic Lightwork Event
Saturday, April 30
7-9:30 pm EDT (Toronto)
Online (Zoom)
Light Up Your True Power:
Shamanic Lightwork Deep Healing
You have awesome power available to you. Much of it, however, is hiding behind what you've decided you don't want to be!
Our judgements and rejections of various 'roles' we've played really limit what is available to us.
Tapping into our true inner power is NECESSARY if we are going to be sovereign.
In this powerful shamanic lightwork healing session,
- find out which 'power roles' are holding the most power for you
- unlock some of the beliefs and traumas around those roles so you have access to more of the true power of your Being.
- access the cosmic power of your true Being, and the power of the space of I AM
- be able to create the new life you are stepping into.
We also do powerful lightwork to contribute to the planet and humanity.

This event went way beyond my expectations...
Linda is a very powerful guide!
Tam H - Artist
This amazing lightwork/deep healing event went way beyond my expectations. I had an opportunity to work through my layers, all the stored blockages and fears - some not from this life time! What a gift it was to connect to my core like this, to really clear all that no longer serves me, to honour myself as a light being in this body and know the gift of life is that we always have the opportunity to begin again.
So much gratitude to Linda. She is a very powerful guide - and it was truly amazing to connect with others who found themselves "awakened" by their life experiences and ready to begin again!"

Shamanic Sound & Light Healing Session
In this powerful and blissful 75-minute frequency healing session, dissolve inner blocks that limit you from going forward in your personal life path.
Sometimes the kind of transformation we require is beyond words, and is deeper and farther than our mind can follow.
Receive deep healing and transformation with shamanic channeled singing, and facilitation with frequencies of light and energy.
These sessions are on Zoom ($175).
What Participants Say

Daniella T.
Opera Singer
During the lightwork session, I felt highly energized and also helped me to identify areas of my life where I was blocking energy flow. The Shamanic Lightwork left me feeling connected, grounded, and joyful! It was wonderful to connect (and re-connect) not only with other like-spirited people, but also with those parts of me which had been buried or forgotten. Since our lightwork session, I've been able to communicate more openly about certain areas of my life that were previously difficult to address or articulate. Thank you, Linda, for facilitating!

Giusi B
Reiki Healer
This has been so powerful and intense, and this session in itself has given me the ability to open a channel inwardly, and also to go outward and see all the different versions of me that exist, and all those different beliefs we have that have been ingrained...it just kind of allowed me to go outside of myself and deal with them. It’s been so incredibly useful and amazing.
It's made me see myself under a microscope, and even though I feel like so much was accomplished today [with the group], much more was accomplished internally, being able to view myself in a different way, which will allow my expansion at a much greater pace.

Tayo M
Social Worker
During the deep clearing/shamanic lightwork, I felt pent up density and negativity from past lives being purged from my being -- felt so much lighter after the session! My heart chakra specifically (and other chakras of course) was activated as well, and I was embodied with so much loving energy throughout the session. I feel very positive at the moment (have my moments of course) and am excited to manifest my divine mission of galactic diplomacy.
Due to this wonderful event I am now able to more effectively release trauma stuck within my energetic body, by incorporating the various techniques that were taught in the session (e.g., clearing negativity through creating a ball all of energy in front of you, clapping, various movements, noises, etc.). As mentioned above, the techniques taught on how to clear negativity/density will now be in my lightworking repertoire and am excited to apply these skills as we shift into a more loving reality! Thank you Linda!
Healing Audios Are In The Shop!

Return to Infinite Love
Our hearts often need healing. We are tender, vulnerable children in our innermost divine hearts. Life can leave its scars and make us feel separate from the source of infinite unconditional Love. It's okay to need Love!
*Connect to everything in the cosmos with powerful I AM breathing
*Clear heart blocks to going deeper in Love with sound, light, and energy - heal your tender heart
*Receive the kind of Love you need
*Light up the whole of humanity & the planet with infinite Love - working with powerful divine light, from the space beyond creation
*Experience the bliss of Oneness in I AM Love.
(Reg 33, sale 12.99)

Create Space for Your Dreams
Many of our dreams have hidden blocks that keep us from being able to go forward, no matter how much we try. These are usually the result of a decision (often based on trauma or negative experiences), deep pain, old hurts, fears - things that operate below our conscious awareness - from our current life, our ancestors, other realities...or anywhere!
*Receive light, sound, and space clearing for blocks, fears, and old stories that are simply taking up room!
*Clear old stories of being a witch, oracle/seer, and healer with powerful sound, light, and energy healing.
*These 'roles' or archetypal energy blocks can get in the way of creating the life we deeply desire - no matter what career or project we are intending to create.
Navigating Life Transitions
Many of us are in the middle of big transitions, and it's challenging!
Maybe you feel like you are 'between worlds' - or definitely between different phases of your life. This feels very awkward and uncomfortable, and there can be deep emotions, fears, attachments, and programs to clear out so you can move forward.
*Connect to everything in the cosmos with powerful I AM breathing
*Let go of the stuck cords, belief structures, and programs that still tie you to the 3D matrix and the 'old life'
*Find and release the places in you that resonate with the lower-density frequencies
*Open up more space for the higher frequencies of joy, pleasure, gratitude
Reconnect with your True Power
We know we have more power 'under the hood' and we want to access it, but somehow it's kind of scary.
*Connect deeply with who you truly are through I AM guided breathing
*Let go of resistance and fear to do with being truly powerful (from many lifetimes and realities)
*Work directly with some of the ‘big team’ who will help you personally to step into your power
*‘Play with the space’ of five power archetypes to clear out blocks, transform the energies, and add what is required to be able to receive that aspect of being powerful
*Receive divine (& dragon!) inner power directly into your heart
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