Helix Lightwork

Explore your inner universe to discover who you truly are,
expand your intuitive gifts and abilities,
and open the way forward to live your deeper purpose. 

Higher-Dimensional Lightwork

Shield your home and yard with high-frequency light, and 'coat' all the wires,
devices, modems, and machines
inside your home - to purify the space and protect you and your loved ones.  
$300 (home)
This lightwork is magically powerful!  
Click here for more info 

New book!

What are triggers actually?
Get clarity on how they work,
how they can be beneficial,
and how to use triggers to
heal yourself.
This is powerful work!
Introductory sale: 
Both ebook & audio $10
Click here to get them now!

Transformation Session

Access parts of you that
are stuck, need healing from trauma, and bring them back home to your heart. This work is very powerful, fast, painless, and creates profound transformation. 

Book an online session

Interactive & Personal 

Wondering what next? What to focus on? How to achieve your dreams? 

Nurture yourself, and get guidance from your own 'team' and 'guides' in an in-depth interactive reading.

Book an online reading

Welcome to Helix Lightwork!

You know that you have intuitive gifts and abilities and you’re already using at least some of them.  Maybe you have the feeling, though, that there is a lot more beneath the surface.  

You wonder, why am I here? What am I here to do? And who am I, truly?

Perhaps you have a longing for the stars, for spiral galaxies, for the realms of light, for the ‘world out there’.

 Friend, you are not alone, even if it feels like it sometimes.

Maybe you know you’re in the 'awakening' process, and everything you discover indicates that there is much more!

And you want it! 

You want to explore the universe, communicate easily with guides, galactics, faeries and angels, and find out more about your bigger 'self' and what you're here to do.

You're not so sure, though, about how to go about it.

Would you like to expand your intuitive gifts?
Communicate telepathically with any beings, anywhere?
Explore the multiverse - and find other aspects of ‘you’?  
Discover the beauty and the power of who you truly are?
Get answers from within to know why you’re here, and what direction to go?
Work closely with a team of trillions that is here, helping us?

You can know and do all that, and much more.
Your inner universe is waiting for you.  

To go deeper within, download these gifts to help you communicate more effectively with your own inner self, and make powerful inner connections with I AM.

Plus, you’ll receive articles every two weeks with helpful insights, channelings, tips, and stories to open up to more of who you truly are. 

Your Free Gifts:
“Breathing Your I AM Presence to Open Up Your Inner Universe” (pdf and audio)
“10 Tools to Open Up Your Intuitive Mojo” (pdf)

If this resonates with you, read Go Deeper, or check out the offerings available below.

Go Deeper into Your Inner Universe

If you know you're on the planet for a reason, but aren't sure what direction to go, or how to create your dreams, go deeper and open up the way forward with multi-dimensional sessions.

Navigate Life Changes with Ease

Big life changes can leave you feeling sad, disoriented, confused, and anxious. Where now? What next? You hardly know where to turn...how about going within?!

Find Deep Healing
Audios in the Shop

Clear old stories of witch/healer/seer; deeply heal your tender heart; and navigate big transitions in life with shamanic lightwork healing audios.

Expand Your Gifts in
Nature Workshops & Retreats

Have fun exploring new territory and learning new skills! Learning cool things in nature, and Inner Oneness Retreats are in the works!

Clear and Rebalance the Energies in Your Home, Business, or Property

Create peace, calm, and thriving in your space with powerful landwork - energy clearing and shamanic lightwork for spaces.

Get on the list to know when playshops, virtual retreats, and shamanic lightwork events are happening!

Shamanic Lightwork and Linda Lonseth

Hello! I'm Linda Lonseth and I’m glad you’re here! We are living in a very exciting time on this planet, and if you are reading this, you are here to play a role in it. Maybe you’re wondering what your role is, what your gifts are, who you really are, and where you came from – and that is the beautiful infinite waking up that we are all doing!

The lightwork we do here is based on using standing columnar waves of scalar light, made with four layers of light vortices. The shamanic aspect is working from beyond creation, from and with the space of I AM, out of which all creation arises.  

Get in touch! I'd love to hear from you! 

What People are Saying

Angela R

Project Manager

Today we really did some deep cleansing work. I cleared blocks that are going to help facilitate my abilities to heal, to be intuitive, and even to manifest money in my life. Some of the blocks that came up I would never have thought of. Linda’s an excellent facilitator.

Phylicia C


In Linda's lightwork [sessions], it's an adventure. It's all about light and love, and lighting the world. She’s very intuitive, very spiritually aware, and very inclusive. You’ll experience a lot of lightness, and it’s very fun and interactive! You’ll love it, you’ll definitely love it!

Joey W

Educator & Marketer

Helix light work has impacted me in multiple ways to bring focus and clarity into stepping into my power and embracing change! I highly recommend working with Linda as her guidance is priceless.


10 Tools to Open Up Your Intuitive Mojo
Breathing Your I AM Presence

Your intuition is a very practical navigation tool - like GPS!
Start using your intuition in your everyday life,
and be able to connect to everything in your 'inner universe' with a powerful 'I AM' breathing guided meditation.
