Energy Clearing and Rebalancing for Homes and Businesses
EMF Shielding for Your Home or Business
Electromagnetic Frequencies are very harmful to your brain and body - and we are inundated with them from many sources.
EMF, RF, 5G, and ‘dirty electricity’ hazards to our human health—and all biology— are being increasingly studied and understood. Some of the most serious concerns are cancer, infertility, heart problems, and DNA damage. However, there are many symptoms that people experience that are disturbing and pervasive. For more detailed information about EMF issues, click here.
Higher-dimensional light and light structures are powerfully effective to create a higher-dimensional force field in your home or business, where there are not only higher-dimensional light ‘domes and shields’ created around the property and home, but also higher-dimensional light ‘coating’ of all electronic devices, wires, modems, etc within the home or business.
This higher-dimensional light restructures the energies to create a higher-dimensional field for biological life. The properties and commands that are put into the higher-dimensional light structures instantly interact with the life force that extends out from biological bodies (‘aura’), and this assists bodies to bring their own higher-dimensional properties into their energy field.
The space is purified from ‘electrosmog’, and you are protected from EMF and RF emissions originating from within the building as well as from outside. We also raise the overall energy vibration so that people living and working within the space benefit from the higher frequencies. These protections are long-lasting.
When I first did this with my own space (house and yard), a visiting friend said, “I’m extremely sensitive to EMF radiation, and I don’t feel a thing in here!” High praise indeed!
If this seems like magic, well, that's how higher-dimensional lightwork works! What we can do with electromagnetic frequencies of any kind is almost infinite, because we are working with higher-dimensional light and creation light codes. This is high-powered stuff!
If you would like the WHOLE package - energies in and around your home purified, any energy issues resolved, energies rebalanced, enriched & shielded - INCLUDING the detailed EMF shielding - then choose the Home Energy Clearing and Rebalancing Package. See below.
Free phone consultation. An onsite EMF Home Shielding is $300. (Free quote for business space.)
Travel expenses may be additional if more than one hour travel is required ($30/hour of travel).
Just fill in the form below and we can discuss your home!
Home Energy Clearing and Rebalancing
There are many issues that can disrupt the energies in homes - EMFs, previous inhabitants' energies, ancient energies below the house, city or town energies, entity attachments, energies associated with certain items - the list goes on!
In this session, energies will be cleared and rebalanced. Crystals may be used to assist this process. Suggestions may be given to improve the balance and flow of energies.
This session includes clearing energies, transforming issues with the space, balancing energies, shielding and protecting, EMF and dirty electricity shielding, raising the vibration, and enriching the frequencies.
Free phone consultation. An onsite Home Space Energy Clearing and Rebalancing is $500. Travel expenses may be additional if more than one hour travel is required ($30/hour of travel).
Just fill in the form below and we can discuss your home!
Business Space Energy Clearing and Rebalancing
Harmonizing the energies of your business space can attract more clients and customers, create an environment where employees can be happy and productive, and call in the kind of partners and collaborators that your business truly needs to thrive.
This is not just about clearing and rebalancing energies, but adding the frequencies that will help your business to increase revenue. Practical suggestions may be offered to help increase the balance and flow of energies. This session includes clearing energies, transforming issues with the space, balancing energies, shielding and protecting, EMF and dirty electricity shielding, raising the vibration, and enriching the frequencies.
Free phone quotation, and free onsite quotation for larger complexes.
Just fill in the form below and we can discuss your business!
The fee for an onsite interior Business Space Energy Clearing and Rebalancing depends on the issues, complexity, and size of the work. Travel expenses may be additional if more than one hour travel is required ($30/hour of travel).
Higher-dimensional work that can be done
CLEARING ENERGIES - clearing energies that are low-frequency, including residual energies, ancestral energies and attachments, non-physical entity attachments, historical traumas on the land which can be under the buildings (including aboriginal traumas), curses (ancestral or otherwise), and other projected or embedded energies, as necessary.
TRANSFORMING ISSUES - intuitively finding the issues and concerns that affect the building, the land underneath, the energy environment, humans, pets, and collaborating with other-dimensional beings to resolve them.
BALANCING ENERGIES - includes balancing the vortices of the location, creating and managing portals (with higher-dimensional beings), restoring integrity of ley lines and water, and doing whatever else is required to bring energies into balance. Crystals may be used in this process (and are not included in the fee).
SHIELDING AND PROTECTING - protecting the entire property with light, including EMF shielding, force fields, shields of various kinds, and enlisting the assistance of higher-dimensional beings.
RAISING THE VIBRATION - using light frequencies to raise the overall vibrational frequency and keep it that way
ENRICHING THE FREQUENCIES - adding whatever frequencies are required to enrich the energies so that everyone can thrive. These may be solar, crystalline, mineral, or higher-dimensional of various descriptions!