Everyone loves to play – would you like to play with some really fun stuff?
Most playshops include lightwork of some kind, customized for the topic itself.
Helix Lightwork Playshops
Use powerful columns of spinning light to heal, transform, create, nurture, nourish, and enrich - yourself, your life, the planet, and humanity.
From People Pleasing to Sovereignty
Sunday, May 5, 1-3 pm
Part of the Sunday Self-Care Series
Includes Tea Ceremony!
Location: Eye Catching
2477 Huntley Rd
Stittsville, ON
$35 E-transfer to linda @ lindalonseth.ca
If paying by cash, please email to RSVP - we need a chair count!
From People Pleasing to Sovereignty
End the frustration and resentment!
- Have understanding and compassion for yourself and how it came to be this way
- Be able to identify and meet your OWN needs - fill your cup first, and put on your own oxygen mask first!
- Connect with your own inner (and higher) self, and the rich information your feelings provide
- Be able to easily, quickly, and painlessly release difficult and challenging emotions
- Build a solid inner foundation for being able to be assertive in making requests, and in following your own inner guidance
Develop Your Intuitive (Psychic) Communication:
Sunday, March 24, 1-3 pm
Part of the Sunday Self-Care Series
Includes Tea Ceremony after the workshop!
Location: Eye Catching
2477 Huntley Rd
Stittsville, ON
$35 E-transfer to linda @ lindalonseth.ca
If paying by cash, please email to RSVP - we need a chair count!
Develop Your Intuitive (Psychic) Communication
- Develop your skills to communicate telepathically, energetically, and psychically with anything in creation – trees, the earth, crystals, rocks, plants, animals, inanimate objects, etc
- This has infinite very practical uses – for health, nutrition, relationships, finances, career, business, decision-making
- Be able to communicate with your body, and through your body with anything
- Be able to communicate anytime – not just when the ‘stars align’
- This is the foundation for developing channeling and mediumship skills
- Even if you have no experience yet, or reliable way to communicate non-verbally, you will be able to get started!
- Learn practical tools to open up and expand your abilities
- If you have some or a lot of experience, you will be able to refine your awareness and your ability to communicate specifically
Vortex Lightwork for Personal Use: Self-Care, Emotional Healing, and Mental Health
- Nurture yourself emotionally and energetically with light columns and crystal light frequencies
- Release emotions and work through tough stuff with light columns
- Get beyond anxiety to live in ease and balance
- Create more ease with your psychic sensitivity and empathic awareness
- Also learn how to use lightwork and ‘Playing with Spaces’ together to transform ‘problems’, ‘issues’, and situations that are challenging. Transform ALL the systems of energies involved so that massive change can manifest. Playing with Spaces is easy, painless, quick, powerful, and easily accessible – for anyone, including children.
Lightworker Power Tools
- Create powerful columns of spinning light and experience the bliss and power of cosmic Light, Love, and the Oneness of the space of Being (I AM)
- Connect with the ‘Big Team’ of trillions that are assisting humanity and the earth - and get personalized help
- Use lightwork to nourish, nurture, contribute to, and receive from nature (plants, animals, earth, elements)
- Power up light grids of the earth and humanity, in multiple dimensions, to increase the oneness of love, and contribute to our planet
- Do lightwork to nurture yourself and humanity
- Do lightwork with natural features of the earth (mountains, volcanoes, oceans, etc) to contribute to the earth and its transition
- Create rainbow bridges with light columns - for faeries and other beings
- Connect with other embodiments of your Being to receive information
Shamanic Lightwork in Action: Workshop Meditations
- Participate in active lightwork using galactic light vortex technology
- Learn and refine your skills with lightwork in active work within the group meditation
- This benefits the earth, nature, humanity – and of course yourself!
- We work with archangels and a ‘big team’ of trillions in this work
- There are many applications of lightwork, and you will learn the basic tools as we do it
"In Linda's lightwork, it's an adventure. It's all about light and love, and lighting the world. She’s very intuitive, very spiritually aware, and very inclusive. You’ll experience a lot of lightness, and it’s very fun and interactive! You’ll love it, you’ll definitely love it!" (Phylicia C.)
Linda has been working intensively with this kind of lightwork since 2017, and has downloaded (channeled) all the ways that she and others and 'the big team' work with these powerful light columns and 'light material' - intuitively directed first by Metatron and now by her Being.
Angela R
Today we really did some deep cleansing work. I cleared blocks that are going to help facilitate my abilities to heal, to be intuitive, and even to manifest money in my life. Some of the blocks that came up I would never have thought of. Linda’s an excellent facilitator.
Jean P
[The workshop] made me see some of my beliefs that were not serving me anymore. It also helped me to see another perspective around things that I was thinking of.
It also gave me tools that I’m going to start using and developing so I can make wiser decisions, because sometimes we are so into our heads, like, “What’s the right choice, what’s the right choice?” This gives you an incredible tool to go past that.
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“10 Tools to Open Up Your Intuitive Mojo” (pdf) and “Breathing Your I AM Presence” (pdf and audio – powerful meditation to connect with your inner self)
These will also help you GREATLY to reduce stress and anxiety, be connected to your 'higher' self, and be able to follow you inner GPS.
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