Intuitive Reading


Book a live online Intuitive Reading with channeled messages from your Being, ‘team’ (guides), and Source, and be able to get clarity, direction, and reassurance!



In channeled readings I communicate directly with your Being, I AM, the Spirit of Truth, and any archangels or Beings on your personal ‘team’ that desire to contribute. ​The cards ​are a focal point​ for channeled messages.

The reading consists of at least 10 cards, intuitively chosen from a variety of decks.  The initial spread is usually either the Celtic Cross, the Zodiac, a seasonal or event spread, or a custom spread ​intuitively created for you.

Cards may be chosen from a particular deck or mixed and matched, as intuitively guided! Decks include: Mystical Shaman; Radiant Rider-Waite (tarot); Nature’s Whispers; Shamanic Healing (Motuzas); Crystal Reading (Charman); Magical Mermaids and Dolphins; and Goddess Girlfriends Wisdom Cards.

​These intuitive readings happen live online, and this gives us an opportunity to interact and discuss the information, to get further clarity on certain cards, and to address specific questions with short spreads.

​When you indicate the purpose of the reading ​as you understand it, your ‘team’ (higher self and guides) will help me know what spread to start with that is right for you.

​Fill out the form, if you haven’t done so yet, indicating if you have a specific interest for this reading (or general comprehensive). After you pay here, you will be emailed a link to book a time, and a link for an online Zoom session. You will need a webcam and a mic (which are likely already on your computer or phone), and the Zoom app if not already installed.

Kinds of readings might include:

  • ​New Year Reading (currently a special offer ​of $100)
  • Birthday Reading! Give yourself – or a friend – a treat!
  • General Comprehensive Reading (can start ​with this and go into details)
  • Business Reading
  • Career Reading
  • Life Direction Reading
  • Other – maybe you have a special life event, certain ​occasion, or specific area of interest

​If you’re not sure or don’t indicate a specific kind of reading, we will start with a general comprehensive reading.

Legal Disclaimer – please read before you make your payment:
An intuitive reading is ​based on the energies​ around you at the time of your reading and the choices you are currently making. ​Your life is dynamic and ever-changing, ​influenced by your free will and your conscious and unconscious choices and decisions​; therefore no outcome can be guaranteed. ​This also means you can change any ‘undesirable’ outcome in the reading by making different choices! A reading should be looked at as helpful guidance, and never replaces the expertise of qualified medical, financial, or legal professionals.

Payment for a reading is $150 for one hour and is non-refundable. Your payment is also an acknowledgement that an intuitive reading is for entertainment purposes only and that ​Linda Lonseth will not be held responsible for any interpretations or decisions made based on information provided in the reading. Please use ​one of the methods below to make your payment. Payment must be made before your session takes place. ​Thank you!

For more details, click here.


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